The Billionaire’s Hidden Heiress

[Book 2] Chapter 99

lan POV

I hadn't wanted to make this announcement on the same day as Knox's special day. But it couldn't be helped. As I wheeled myself into the main house, Dawn behind me, Faith having been dropped back off at her house, I could feel my heart racing slightly. I had assured Dawn that my family would have no objections, but that didn't mean they wouldn't be worried on my behalf. I had never been the type to throw myself so recklessly into such a decision before, but I hoped Knox at least would understand where I was coming from. After all, he had fallen for Lorelai hard and fast, just like I was falling for Dawn. As a twin, I hoped he could feel my emotions or at least read between the lines.

Father and Knox happened to be in the living area as we approached, in deep discussion. I raised a brow, surprised that Knox wasn't with Lorelai. "Shouldn't you still be at the hospital?" I asked tentatively. "Certain visiting hours" Knox grumbled looking frustrated "I go back again tonight."

He looked thoroughly put out. I coughed. My father just laughed "I'm sure that Lorelai is fine Knox, in fact, I think she was getting a little tired of you hovering over her" he said with a chuckle. Knox just pouted. I grinned and wheeled myself deeper into the room.

"Speaking of where did you two go?" my father asked with interest "You went so quickly I didn't have a chance to say goodbye."

"We went to the park with Faith," I said grinning.

My father blinked "Well that sounds lovely" he said surprised "It's nice weather outside. Perfect day for it" he nodded agreeably "I bet that little girl had a lot of fun too" he added.

I grinned "You could say that," I said while Dawn remained silent beside me, wringing her hands together "but there's something I wanted to tell you and Knox and I'm glad I can tell you together." My father looked intrigued "Really?" he raised a brow "Now I'm interested. Pray, what exactly do you have to tell me?" he asked, sitting on the sofa and crossing his ankles as he leaned forward. Knox looked just as interested as he sat down and regarded the two of us, his eyes twinkling. I suspected he already knew what we were about to say but was being polite enough to let me tell him.

I took a deep breath and pinned my eyes on my father. If anyone was going to object it would be him. But I hoped he could see how happy Dawn made me and would offer no objections. After all, hadn't he been encouraging this? "Father, Knox," I said tightly "I asked Dawn to marry me and she has agreed. I would like your blessings."

Silence. For a moment everyone was speechless. I could feel my body tensing. Dawn looked terrified. I wished Flair was here, but I would shoot her a message later on or no doubt father would be calling her to tell her the news that I had made the announcement today. Somehow I doubted Flair would be all that surprised I had done so either. My father let out a large exhale and moved, standing up and embracing a stunned Dawn, his arms wrapping tightly around her as she blinked back tears.

"I'm so happy for you both" he breathed, as I looked at him incredulously, putting his hands on Dawn's arms and regarding her with a bright smile "You're so good to him and I can't wait to officially welcome you as a daughter in law," he told her earnestly. Dawn sniffed, even as Father turned and offered his hand to me "I approve of your choice of wife" he said as he shook my hand "and quite frankly you two are perfect for each other. The last of my children, can you believe" he chuckles "to be married and yet, it seems like it's fate."

Knox gets up and awkwardly embraces Dawn as well while Father steps back. "Welcome to the family Dawn" he murmurs as Dawn's eyes shine "I think that you'll fit in nicely and I'm sure Lorelai will be glad for the female companionship" he added with a wry grin. Dawn giggled. Knox turned to me and clasped my hand. "Well done brother," he said quietly "Dawn is beautiful inside and out. You couldn't have chosen a better wife," he said while I gave him a crooked grin.

"I'm glad you feel that way," I said ruefully "because the media got hold of the story about half an hour ago and it's about to be all over the news."

My father chuckled "So it was a matter of necessity when it came to telling us" he said knowingly while I flushed and looked away, feigning innocence "Oh well, it's all good" he shrugged, sitting back down "but what are your plans now?" he asked blithely.

Dawn looked confused. "Well Dawn can't continue to work as your aide and be your fiancee" my father commented drily as I sighed and nodded in agreement "That will not do. Not to mention where is she to live?" he asked as Dawn's eyes widened further "will she continue to live in her home or would she be safer in the house, considering how zealous the media can get?"

His tone was deadly serious. He more than anyone could tell the dangers of the paparazzi and how far they were willing to go to get their stories. I considered them pests more than anything, but Dawn might not see it that way.

I rubbed my chin "I hate to say this, but Dawn, it might be best if you moved in with me" I began.

She held up a hand in protest "I can't just move" she said indignantly "What about my mother? We rely on each other, and she's bound to get harassed by the media as well."

"She can move into the main house," my father said calmly "There's plenty of room. I'm sure she would be happy to help out with the wedding details and anything else you might need."

Dawn nodded slowly "But she's very independent and wouldn't want to lose her apartment."

"She doesn't have to. She can keep it and still live here. That way when it becomes too much, she has somewhere to go and be in private" my father continued.

Dawn's expression was thoughtful "I suppose that might work, but what about Faith? Can you really live with a child underfoot full time?" she asked me.

I didn't even have to consider it. Having a child like Faith in the house, with her cheerful and exuberant nature was hardly going to be a hardship. Or at least I didn't think it was going to be. I shook my head "No, she can have the spare room. We can even paint it for her" I said. "This is all moving a little fast" Dawn said apprehensively "What about my work?"

"You don't need to anymore," I said while Knox looked at me intently like he was trying to silently communicate something to me "I'll provide you with anything you need."

Instead of looking excited by that, she looked glum by that prospect. What had I said that was so wrong?

"I don't like the idea of relying on you for money," Dawn said biting her lip "I still want to work."

I tried to breath, knowing she didn't understand that the high society world was a lot different to the world she grew up in. "It's not the done thing to do. It would be seen as disrespectful to have my wife or fiancee working when I'm more than able to provide for her" I explained tightly.

"So what, I just hang around all day and do nothing?" she asked, sounding dismayed.

Knox was practically glaring at me by now.

"Well no, you can go shopping or..."

She snorted "I'm not that kind of girl lan. I need to use my brain and I need to feel like I'm contributing. I have Faith to look after" she allowed while my father listened intently "But I need something to do during the day."

"Why don't you help me" I cut out as she glanced at me "with my physical therapy and doctor appointments. I still want to check out my recovery options and something else as well" I deliberately did not mention the fertility aspect I wanted to recheck into, "and if you feel the same way in a few weeks then we'll find something for you to do, even if it's a role in the company."

I wanted her to be happy, not feel like a hostage. She tensed and then relaxed. "I can live with that," she said quietly as I smiled at her.

"Well that's all taken care of, I guess I'll phone Flair and tell her the good news," Father said joyfully.

I almost laughed at how predictable he was. He shook both our hands again and then escaped out the doorway, no doubt heading upstairs where he could gossip away to his only daughter. I shook my head while Knox grinned at us both. "You know that he's going to be pressing for you to pick a wedding date."

Dawn laughed "I don't mind, your father is really sweet," she said wistfully "I wonder how my mother is going to take the news. Something tells me she isn't going to take it as well as your family has."

"I can be there with you" I offered, as her lips curled back into a frown "I don't want you to tell her alone if she's going to take it badly."noveldrama

She hesitated "I think it's best I tell her myself," she said glancing down at the ground and blushing slightly "She's never forgiven me for making such a bad decision when it came to Faith's father and this is personal.To avoid an incomplete reading experience, visit Jobn'i' Besides, I don't want to have her taking it out on you" she exhaled "and I can take her screaming at me or her disappointment" she added grimly.

I reached for her hand "I love you" I told her, watching as she gave me a quivering smile "Are you sure you want to do this bit alone?"

"I'm sure that Faith has already let slip the news," she said with a fake smile "so it's not going to be a surprise but I need to do this alone" she emphasized "especially since I have to broach her about moving into the mansion. She's not going to be happy" she sighed "and it will be something else to blame me for. I love you" she added, bending down to kiss me on the cheek, as Knox subtly slid out of the way "and I'll be back soon, hopefully with my mother and my daughter."

"Take bodyguards with you" I said, gesturing to two of the men who immediately began to follow behind her "and if you need help, call."

I understood her reluctance to have me with her, but part of me wished I could help make this easier on her as well. Would Dawn's mother accept her daughter's decision or would this be yet one more thing to blame Dawn for and cause even more resentment between the two of them?

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