The Cursed Human

Chapter 39

His fingers tapped on table in rhythmic motion as he waited for the old men in front of him, to shut their mouths. He was getting impatient and annoyed. Meetings were never his things, he always found himself getting angry for no reasons during these times.

“The council is waiting for reports from Phae Santos since weeks now, what is taking so long, King Valan.” Old man asked loudly as every member present in room looked at the king, who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

“Well, I don’t have whole day for this!” Lucifer growled impatiently. He tapped his foot trying to control his rage, but his patience was running thin. Valan gulped and stood up to bowed down to him.

“My Lord, my… my kingdom is falling down. Last month.. we.. we were attacked, by witches and we lost half of the army and now we are running out of resources. I promise_”

Before he could finish his sentence, a dagger landed in his chest. His eyes widened as he grabbed the dagger in his chest and stumbled to the ground. Several council members looked at him with wide eyes and open mouths, but no one dared to help him.

Valan fell on the ground as his breaths stopped.

Lucifer dusted his hands and stood up from his seat while looking at every member.

Lucifer pointed to the man, who was sitting next to Valan. He was a shapeshifter with light brown eyes and medium shoulders length hairs.

“Go get my dagger, I can’t lose that one too,” he gulped down and walked towards the dead body. His hands wrapped around the handle of knife and he plucked it out of his chest. He winced as his hands burned with silver as he dropped the knife on floor and clutched his hand to his chest.

Lucifer threw his head back as he laughed with amusement. Everyone looked shocked at his change in behavior.

“Pathetic,” he snarled and walked towards the body and picked the silver dagger only to place it in his waist pocket. Whole room looked at him with pure shock.

Silver didn’t affected him. Those were the benefits that come with being a hybrid.

“Parcel…. what about your report? Oh wait! let me guess, your clan must be raided by faeries?” Lucifer raised his perfectly sharp brow at old man sitting few feet away from him. All the blood rushed through his veins as he tried not to tremble in fear.

“Twenty…. twenty six vampires were seen at the borderlands, My lord.” Parcel said handing the report to Lucifer.

“And,” Lucifer narrowed his eyes, telling him to tell more. Vampires were raising in numbers day by day. It was not like they were any threat to him, but as the king of Reynes, they were a threat to his kingdom.

“And, we suspect that they are behind something…. or particularly….. someoene” Lucifer rubbed his jaw as he leaned back in his chair. Resting his elbow on armrest, his icy eyes glazed over as he thought about something.

“And what about the attack strategy, which kingdom we should go for next?” Anari spoke out, the council administrator.

“I think Kingdom of Zlluni should be our next target, my lord,” Parcel insisted and Anari scoffed in distaste.

“I suggest targeting Kingdom if Yarundiel. They are going through hard times, they won’t suspect us.” Anari ptotested.

“But Kingd-”

“Zoutis, we are attacking Zoutis tonight” Lucifer stated making both of the men silent.

“But my lord-”

Anari was unable to choke out his last words as Lucifer roughly grabbed him by his throat. His eyes darkened as a snarl curled his lips.

“You don’t love your life, commander Anari!”

“My lord,” Parcel jumped in quickly, “What commander Anari is meant that Kingdom of Zoutis is far from here and it’s Queen…… Sarah’s parent’s Kingdom,”

Lucifer glanced at Anari struggling in his breath and let him go. Anari gasped for air as he frantically rubbed his bruised neck.

“She is not a Queen!” Lucifer growled animalistically, glaring at Parcel. “not yet”

“Their main base is on east, so we’ll attack where there are vulnerable. Kill the king and Queen first, the rest will crumble,” Lucifer barked out the orders. And all men nodded their heads.

“Y.. yes, my lord,”

“We attack at dawn,” Lucifer said firmly. The veins of his arms were protruding out. Everyone present there was terrified of his next words.

“Hit ha-” before he could complete his words a panicked voice rang at back of his head.

“My lord!! Lady Sarah! Sh… she escaped!”

Sarah’s p. o. v.

“W.. who are you?” I breathed out while backing away at the same time. The fear was creeping in my body. What were they? And what did they want from me?

“Who am I? Well….. you can call me ‘Honey'” the man smirked at me. I was looking at him with wide eyes. I hadn’t escaped fully and other trouble was already awaiting me.

“Stop it, Damon! Don’t scare the poor thing!” A feminine voice said from behind me as I abruptly turned around. A woman with pale white skin was standing near the tree with which Phoenix was tied, the both of them were giving me danger vibes.

“You always seem to ruin my fun, Victoria,” the man groaned as he threw his hands in air in disbelief making her, I guess, Victoria rolling her eyes. She turned towards me and looked at me with a wide smile.

“Forgive my brother here, by the way I’m Victoria and you just be Sarah!” Victoria grinned while walking towards me. I immediately backed away but I guess my luck was against me as I fell on the ground. A loud laughter echoed around me as the man started laughing while pointing at me.

“She is clumsy, I SEE,” Victoria whispered and face palmed herself. Whatever the hell they were saying was making no sense to at all, well at least not to me. The look in their eyes were screaming mischief. I didn’t realize what happened but in less than a second Victoria was next to man.

“Who.. are.. are you?” I panicked while crawling back. I heard her sigh and looked at me with a strained look.

“I’m Victoria and he is m-”

“WHAT ARE YOU!!” I yelled before standing on my feet.

First, Lucifer and now they. What the hell was wrong with my life.

“That’s a good question but we can’t tell you, not yet at least. But, but, but… you are coming with us,” the man said and I looked at him in disbelief and the horses in my mind started running wildly, thinking about any escaped and I did only thing I was good at.

I ran.

I turned around and ran as fast as my feet could take me but I had taken only two steps and an arm was smacked around my waist making me restraint.

“LEAVE ME!!” My screams were echoing in whole forest as he carried me towards god knows where. They were fast, so god damn fast. It only makes me conclude one thing, that they were inhumane too.

“Hey! Calm down I’m not gonna hurt!” He snarled in annoyance and adjusted me in his arms and in no time I was hoisted on his shoulder, without any care.

“I told you that she would be handful!” He said and looked at Victoria who was walking next to him. I punched his back and started struggling in his hold.

“LEAVE ME! You leech!!” I screamed but it was like there was no effect on them.

“She is merely a human, Damon! She can’t outrun us.”. I struggled on his shoulder as I bite on his shoulder hard.

“She is a biter, I see,” he amused without any pain.

“Where the hell are you taking me?!” I yelled hoping someone would hear me and save me. But I knew there was no one. The only place near to this place was Lucifer’s castle and that was the last place I wanted to visit.

“I know but she is Lucifer’s mate that much was expected from her,” He turned to left as I watch Phoenix’s white body disappearing into dark.

“I SAID, LEAVE ME!!” They were ignoring my shouts. And that was making me anxious. I didn’t had any idea who were they. And them taking me somewhere was not doing any good.

“You are a los-” something happened as they stopped walking and talking. And I do badly wanted to see what was that. All the blood rushed through my veins as I heard a loud growl, an animalistic growl, probably coming from animal.

“Wolfie, wolf!” There was no amusement left in the man’s voice only making me realise whatever was standing in way was a animal, a wolf.

There was a freaking wolf in front of us and I didn’t knew where that was standing. This thought alone was making me want to run. I felt his arms tighten around my back while the woman, Victoria, stood behind him, right in front of me. Her eyes glowed yellow only for a moment as she watched in front of the man, towards the wolf I guess, than turned back to her original colour.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Everything happened in blur as I was landed painfully on ground and a loud snarls of anger resonated around me. It took everything in me to turn around towards the voice and I wished I should haven’t looked. A large wolf, a very very large wolf was stood tall in front of the man.

I screamed while backing away at same time. I didn’t knew what was happening but whatever was happening was not my flavor. But looking at other two, they were not afraid of the wolf. The wolf was thrice their heights and size, I didn’t knew that kind of thing they eat to get some much courage.

The wolf flashed his sharp canines as he looked at the man.

“Damon, don’t!!” Victoria said like she knew what was going to happen. And I guessed she knew, Damon and the wolf, both jumped in air and collided against each other only for Damon to grab him by his neck. I glanced at Victoria who was watching them curiously.

The wolf opened his large jaw to tears open Damon’s head off his shoulder but before he could do that, Damon grabbed the wolf by his neck and shoved him into the dust.

“I nearly forget you mutts were still here!!” Damon growled at the wolf. The wolf quickly sliced his paws in Damon’s chest and tore open his skin. The sight was nauseous and the fear was slowly transforming into panic.

Damon sneered as he quickly tossed the wolf over his shoulder. The wolf landed safely on his paws and ran towards Damon. Damon didn’t realised what happened but in next moment his neck was in the wolf’s mouth.

I backed away in panic while a loud growl of agony escaped the wolf’s mouth as blood rushed through his back. Victoria entered from behind him as the wolf collapsed on the ground. Damon landed on ground with aloud thud.

“Silver always works,” Victoria laughed and Damon looked at the wolf’s body writhing in pain. I almost felt bad for wolf. But slowly the wolf’s large frame started turning into human flesh and in no time a naked human was laying on ground with blood oozing out of his stomach. I never thought I would see this sight, no matter how much I hated him, I never wanted this for him.

“F.. Falcon,” I whispered as I saw his naked body laying on ground and snarls of pain escaping his lips. I gulped down the lump of saliva that recently formed in my throat and looked wide eyed at his body.

Pain. He was in pain. Whatever he has done, he didn’t deserved that. He was only trying to save me from them. He was my best friend. He is my best friend. The price of betrayal was not his life.

With this I dashed towards him. But before I could move Victoria’s hand was around my arm.

“Please!! He need help!! Leave me!!” I growled but her strength was something beyond mine.

“We can’t leave him here, Damon. We have to take his nasty ass with us!” Victoria said and Damon was still glaring at Falcon who was screaming in pain. My heart was clenching while watching him in this state. He didn’t deserved that, no.

“Take the girl, I’ll handle him” Damon said and I struggled with new found energy.

“No!! Leave him-” my sentence was left in my mouth as I felt Victoria pressing the back of my neck and I felt my body going lump.

I could feel the feet moving and the cold ground against my skin as I slowly opened my eyes. I tugged before I realised that my hands were restrained behind my back. I struggled to get up as I looked around.

I was in dark cemented room that looked like a cell, maybe. The floor was cold, hard and wet. I looked around the small room and saw Falcon’s motionless body laying on the ground with his hands tied up with chains, chains of silver.

“Falcon!” I shrieked as I shuffled on my knees towards him. The side of his stomach was bleeding and he was dressed only in pair of pants.

“Falcon!!” I panicked as his body didn’t moved and inch. As I inched closer I heard him heavily breathing and slowly opened his eyes.

“Sarah, y.. you okay?” I wanted to cry so bad. He was bleeding like a waterfall and he still was asking if I was alright? What did he thought he is mad up of.

All of this bleeding and pain, only because of me.

“I’m fine, Falcon, are you… how much pain are you in?” The way he was breathing and whimpering, I can assume he must be screaming from inside.

“It’s… bearable” he smiled at me reassuringly.

“Falcon…” I sobbed, “…. it’s all my fault… I shouldn’t h-”

“.. please, don’t cry…” He groans don’t pain and so badly wanted to die. This was freaking my fault.

“Who.. who are they? What d.. does they want from us?” I stuttered out the words as I watched him turning towards me.

“Actually, we just wanted you but he is a nice little inclusion to this package,” I watched Damon as he walked arrogantly towards us. I wanted to strangle him with same silver chains with which Falcon was restrained.

“Damon….” Flacon groaned as he sensed Damon’s presence.

“Falcon, Falcon, Falcon… You’ve got some nerve to attack a royal Vampire” Damon said. The way he was circling around Falcon was giving me whiplashes. I was afraid that he might hit him again with silver.

“I didn’t remember when did assholes started regarding themselves as royals,” Falcon chuckled mockingly. “Royal doesn’t suit you, Damon”

Damon laughed with him before kicking Falcon in his face.

“Leave him alone!!” I shrieked trying to rush towards him when I felt something restraining me. I looked around to find a long chain connected to the handcuffs on my back.

“Calm down, loveliness,” he said crouching down to my level. “This doesn’t concern you, but, but, but… if you want some attention, I’ll be obliged to show it to you in most indecent ways.” He grinned and I wanted to wipe his nasty grin off his face.

“Stay away from us!!” I gritted as I felt anger building inside me. I was scared but the angry emotion was dominant at that time.

“Damon…. you disappoint me.” A thunderously deep and menacing voice said from behind Damon. Damon turned around with a huge grin on his face and that’s when I saw the person behind Damon.

The first thing I saw was fiery red hairs and deep green eyes peering into Damon’s head. The man lifted his eyes and looked at Falcon making me worried about him.

He was awfully familiar.

“Falcon.. Finn.. Celeste, the second in command of Reynes, brother of the Lucifer Ximen Celeste…. butting in my business, always.. Just saying it makes me feel pathetic.” I glanced at Falcon, who was clenching his jaw. Something was wrong about the way he was looking at Falcon.

Reynes must be the place, where I was held hostage. And new fact, it was the very first time I had heard Lucifer’s full name.

“Draven,” Falcon groaned,”Did anyone told you that you sound like a ostentatious fucking ass,” Falcon grinned.

Draven narrowed his eyes at him and shoved his foot in Falcon’s wounded stomach.

“LEAVE HIM!! STOP IT!!” I shouted angrily from across the room.

I shouldn’t have said anything because now I could feel his eyes on me. He looked at me shaking as I stared at him without knowing what I was doing.

“Ass…. I see,” He said curiously and walked towards me. I tried to back away but the chain around my wrists were making it difficult than it already was.

“She has nothing to do with us. Just let her go,” Falcon said calmly. I glanced at Falcon and he was grimacing in anger.

“Why would I do that? I always wanted her here.” This took me off guard when he said that. I looked bewildered at him while he took long strides towards me.

“My.. aren’t you undeniably beautiful one…” He said grabbing my chin forcefully to make me look at him as I moved my head trying to get out of his grasp. “She is more beautiful than I’ve imagined.”

“DON’T TOUCH HER!!” Falcon growled making Draven look back at him with a smirk.

“You seem pathetically possessive of her…” He said turning back to me. I was only dumb human present there who didn’t knew a thing about what was happening. The way they were interacting was evident that they already knew each other.

Draven stared at me for a moment analyzing me when a dark amused smile across his face.

Something bad was going to happen, I knew that.

“Bring him in!” Draven pointed at Damon who was observing everything from far end. Damon quickly nodded his head and walked out.

“This much worry for your brother’s mate….” Draven said moving behind me and that’s when I felt him crouching down. He grabbed my right arm and yanked me on my feet. I nearly collapsed on floor but his heavy arm around me, balancing my shaking body.

“Careful, kitten…. wouldn’t want to damage that pretty skin of yours,” I felt his mouth dangerously close to my ear.

“You look.. tense” I heard Damon’s voice from behind the door.

“You sure he really needs me.. cause I think that’s not the right time,” I heard a voice.

Why does that voice sounds so familiar?

“I’m sure, mate, he wants you… like now” Damon laughed.

“Fuck is wrong with Draven!” The other voice growled in anger.

“He is your brother, how do expect him to be?” I could hear Damon smirking. Something was clearly and shockingly wrong.

Draven’s hand slipped beneath my dress as I thrashed in his hold. His other hand wrapped around my waist trapping me to himself.

The door opened and my eyes immediately wide opened as I looked at the man standing next to Damon in complete shock and utter confusion.

This was not possible.


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