The Cursed Human

Chapter 40


“He is alive and I myself don’t know how’s that even possible? Lucifer ripped his heart out…. and I was the one who burned his body.”

“Nothing makes sense!”

“And on top of that, Matthew is Draven’s brother! Fucking Draven!”

“Draven Vll? The Vampire?”

“How many Draven you know, Artemis?”

“Shit!! That’s unbelievable!” Michael grabbed fistful of his hairs as he tried to sunken the information. Artemis watched her brother with worry while she herself was as distorted as him.

“Falcon! Where is he?” Michael suddenly stopped pacing as his mind drifted off to last conversation he had with Falcon. Falcon was going to tell him something but he had to go to check out the perimeters.

“I don’t know! He must be drowning himself in alcohol again!” Artemis gulped down another glass of bouborn as Michael forrowed his brows in confusion. Her eyes scanned the whole bar while her brother stood in front of table with a glass of liquor.

“That shit doesn’t work on us you know that!” Michael looked at his sister with a strange look.

“I don’t know, Artemis. Something…. something doesn’t feel right,” he said while grabbing a glass from counter but halted in his steps as he sensed a presence behind him. His hold tightened on the glass as he crushed the glass in his hands making all the pieces embedded in his hand. Artemis quickly looked at him as she heard the sound.

With a strain on his face, he turned around slowly and cautiously.

“Hello, my dear friend!” Michael couldn’t stop but snarl at the man in front of him. He grinded his teeth together as he mumbled the words.

“Hello, Elijah!”


“You are alive.” She whispered. She wanted to believe her eyes but her mind wasn’t working anymore. Matthew was alive and it took everything in her to accept that because he was killed right in front of her. How could she believe the same eyes those watch him being ripped apart?

Draven’s hand caressed her waist as he pulled himself away from her.

“Surprise, my dear” He whispered dangerously close to ear but she was far too shocked to recognize his words.

“How could you…. you were dead?” Falcon said in utter confusion and shock. Everything was out of pictures, Matthew was supposed to be dead, but how was this possible? Questions, questions, questions? Every statement was like a question to him.

“Let me introduce you to my brother, the one and only,” Draven walked towards Mathew and put his arm on his shoulder.

“Matthew Edgar Vll!”

Sarah looked with wide eyes. She blinked her eyes before anger started consuming her. Betrayed! She was feeling betrayed. Everyone was keeping secrets from her and now nothing was shocking her anymore.

“Don’t tell me you are one of them too, aren’t you!” She snarled at Mathew as Draven threw his head back with laughter. Sarah looked at him with a angry snarl on her face.

“No, my dear…. he is not one of them… he is one of us.” Draven took predatory steps towards her. His amusement grew ten times as he watched her standing adamantly on her spot without a ounce of fear.

“And you wanna know what we are?” He circled his arm around her as he jerked her towards him making her gasp. He leaned in and nuzzled his nose in her hairs, taking in her sweet scent.

“Ever heard about Vampires?”


“Where the fuck is she?!” Lucifer growled loudly as Alatar shook with fear. Hundreds of years had passed but this was the second time he had seen Lucifer this much angry and furious, the first time was when his mother died.

“Not only Lady Sarah but Master Falcon is missing too,” Alatar said and Lucifer snapped his head towards him.

“Lucifer calm down!” Aphrodite said trying to calm Lucifer. She herself was scared what would happen if Lucifer would come to know that she helped Sarah escape in first place.

“And you are telling me this now!” Angry and furious Lucifer was something with whom no one wanted to deal with, so was Alatar and Aphrodite. But Alatar knew that the next information would triple his furious ness, maybe would add some other emotions in the fire of his rage too.

“…. And I think, they have been taken by Vll’s”

Lucifer stopped pacing and blinked his eyes to their original colour. He looked at Alatar with expressionless face as he tried to register the last word, Vll.

“… They know about prophecy?” Lucifer asked carefully hoping that Vll’s didn’t knew anything. But if they do, everything was going to get in vain.

“.. I’m afraid My lord, they do..” Lucifer clenched his jaw as veins of his arms started protruding out. His pupils dilated while his eyes turned blood red.

“But.. they wouldn’t be able to do anything until she has your blood in her system, My lord.” Alatar said carefully as he flipped through pages of his sorcery book. He again turned two more until his eyes landed on the picture he was looking for.

Aphrodite turned towards Lucifer with wide eyes.

“You did what?! You fed her your blood?! Do you even know what does that mean-” Aphrodite was unable to complete her sentence as Lucifer slammed her against the wall by her throat.

“One more word! And you will be killed like I’m going to kill your sister!” Lucifer narrowed his eyes in anger as Aphrodite quickly nodded her head. Her knees collapsed with ground as Lucifer let go of her. She rubbed her sore throat while taking deep breaths.

“It still doesn’t make things better, the bond still isn’t completely complete!” Lucifer said before looking at Alatar.

“They need blood of the hybrid for this and you being the only hybrid in this world, has made things harder for them.” Aphrodite said taking another deep breath.

“Let me remind you if you are forgetting… Draven is a hybrid too!” Lucifer gritted.

“A witch-vampire hybrid is not considered as true hybrid, My lord. They need blood of a Vamwolf, a true hybrid of werewolf and vampire ancestors.” Alatar explained as Lucifer looked unaffected.

“Bring me Michael,” he said and Aphrodite nodded her head and walked out of the room. Lucifer looked at Alatar and slammed his hand on nearest table.

“FIND ME THEIR RESIDENCE!” Lucifer said and Alatar quickly ran out of the room. Lucifer took few deep breaths as he tried to control his urge to kill something or someone. Everything was getting out of his control and he was determined to get his control back. He walked towards the cabinet before grabbing a liquor from the shelves. His hands moved firmly as his mind started plotting a plan.

He gulped down the whole bottle in three sips as he tried to cool himself off.

Prophecy. Everything was happening because of it. And he himself wanted to break it but he wanted to do that himself and the risk of someone knowing about it was unacceptable for him.


“But, you don’t have to be scared, my dear. I mean no harm to you.” He ran his hand through her hairs while his other hand gripped her waist. Her struggles were doing nothing to stop him.

“Why did you call me, Draven?” Mathew rolled his eyes as he watched Draven playing with Sarah’s emotions. He picked a chair from far end and sat on it.

“Chill, Brother. I just wanted her to meet her long lost love,” Draven smirked as tears rolled down her eyes. This was what he wanted, to break her and mold her. He pulled himself away from her and walked towards Mathew.

She felt her legs weaken as she fell on her knees. Her eyes were still glued on Matthew. The rage was igniting in her orbs.

“I smell confusion,” Draven mocked as he forrowed his brows together.

“Witchcraft? Sorcery? Magic? Ever heard about that?” Draven clasped his hands behind his back as he paced around them.

“Just used his face to create a identical twin,” he shrugged his shoulders like it was not a big deal. Falcon put two and two together.

“Lucifer killed a normal vampire…. who had his face..?” He knew answer to that but still was in dilemma. He glanced at Sarah who was breaking down from inside and outside. Her love for Matthew was crumbling with the truth.

“Vampires?” She whispered as she thought about the word. She had heard these terms only in movies and stuff but never ever she had thought that she would encounter them.

“Come on Sarah! Don’t be so naive!” Draven rolled his eyes dramatically as he watched her in her miserable state.

“I.. I loved you, Matthew,” her broken voice pierce Falcon’s heart. He couldn’t help but feel the need to comfort her. His pain seemed so much less than hers.

“Here’s the thing….. l never loved you,” Matthew said without blinking his eyes. He was same but looked so different to her. She never thought that the one she trusted most would be reason for her broken heart. She looked mindlessly at him as she thought about everything he had did and said to her.

‘I love you, Sarh!”

‘Will you be my girlfriend?’

‘I can never even think about living a second without you… not even a milisecond’

Her breathing become abnormal as she thought about all the things they used to do together.

How Matthew used to cook for her.

How Matthew used to kiss her nose every time they would be together.

She felt herself getting angry and furious as she thought about all the lies she had been fed. Her life, her friends, her parents, her love, everything seemed to be fake.

“I wish you rott in hell!” She gritted her teeth as she tried to yank her hands off the chain but failed miserably. Her anger was getting best of her.

“YOU NEVER DESERVED MY LOVE!” She screamed as tears flowed down her face. She never felt this much heart broken and angry at the same time. She knew she needed to let go of her tears because if she didn’t, she knew she would feel more helpless and vulnerable.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Draven watched her with amusement, while he looked at Falcon’s face. He knew Falcon was madly in love with her and he was going to use the situation in his favor.


“Father! Father!” Cassian barged into Perseus’s study with heavy breath.

“What happened?” Perseus asked as he watched his son in panic state. He rounded the table and grabbed him by his shoulder to stable him.

“Sarah… She…. Draven!” Cassian panted. He felt Perseus losing his hold on his shoulders and looking at him in pure shock.

“No! It can’t be possible!” Perseus shook his head in denial and Cassian looked at his father in confusion.

“No Father! Draven has her and he is going to break the prophecy!” Perseus snapped his head towards Cassian. His face held so much shock and confusion. He couldn’t believe that his little girl was in hands of demon.

“How… how do you know?” Perseus asked searching Cassian’s eyes. Cassian averted his eyes and mumbled.

“Maybe or maybe not, I got a call from Angie,”

“You.. still talk to her..?” Perseus knew answer of this question but he wanted to hear it from his son’s mouth. He was mad that Cassian was in touch with Angie. But he couldn’t do anything.

“Yes and you know how I feel about her! I just… I couldn’t bring myself to ignore.” Cassian looked at Perseus with sad expressions.

“And you know that she is married and has a daughter, right?” Perseus asked politely while Cassian averted his eyes.

“Yes, Father.” He whispered slowly. He had loved Angie since he saw her for the first time. He felt himself getting drowned in her ocean eyes and he couldn’t help but let himself fall for her.

“Well, what can I say. It’s your choice, son. But be careful, you know what would happen if Lucifer will come to know about this.” Perseus pulled away and ran his hand through his hairs. He was worried about his son and his daughter. Cassian’s affection towards Angie was something he was well aware about but Sarah getting abducted by Draven was something that made him worried.

Cassian sighed deeply as his mind drifted back to morning when he got a call from Angie. She was panicking and crying, saying ‘Sarah is in danger! Draven took her!’. It took everything in him to not broke down hearing her shattered voice. He knew Angie had a husband and daughter, and he also knew that she was far older than him but he could control his heart.

“.. And what about… mother..? Should we tell her?” Cassian asked with strain in his voice.

“She deserves to know, Cassian….. I will tell her myself..” Perseus said and nodded his head towards his in and walked out of the room.


“Come on, catch me Luc!” Her hairs flowed with wind as she ran towards the lake. Her hands were clutching her gown so that she wouldn’t trip. Her laughs were filling in the whole garden.

“Stop, my love! You’ll fall!” He said worriedly as he tries to catch her but she didn’t stop. He knew how much she liked to get chased and that’s what he had been doing, chasing her. He halted in his steps as he watched her laughing and smiling with little children.

“Beautiful, isn’t she?” He looked at his left and sighed deeply.

“Indeed, she is” he whispered as his eyes trailed along her face. Her striking blue eyes looked back at him with intensity that could melt his heart.

“When are you going to tell her?” Lucifer said as he looked towards his friend. He searched his eyes for any answers but didn’t get anything.

“I don’t know… I don’t think she… you know.?” His voice shattered at the end. Lucifer looked carefully at his friend as his heart clenched with unknown feeling.

“She likes you, my friend. She just… don’t know how to express it.” Lucifer’s eyes scanned the garden as his eyes landed on the beauty standing in middle. Her laughs, her giggles send his heart on blissful edge. He gulped down as he glance at his friend, who was also looking at her with same intensity.

“She loves you, Luc. I can see that… the way she smiles when you are around her. The way her eyes brighten whenever you look at her…. I can see it, my friend.” He said as he watched her coming towards them. Lucifer averted his eyes from her face as he felt his friend backing away.

“You are a very bad chaser, Draven.” She giggled as she punched him on his shoulder playfully. Draven smiled brightly while Lucifer looked both of them with emotion he was not ready to feel.

“What’s wrong, Luc? You seem…. distracted?” She asked as she interlocked her arms with Draven. Her long raven hairs flowed with wind as her mesmerizing blue eyes looked up at him.

“Come in, Melissa. Your mother is calling for you!!” The maid called from inside the castle.

She nodded and smiled at two gentlemen and ran towards the castle. Lucifer kept looking at her til she entered the door. Draven rubbed Lucifer’s back as he glanced at him.

“You are in love, Lucifer…. It’s obvious”

Lucifer looked at the painting as he drank liquor from his glass. His mind drifted back to past as he looked at the painting. The blue striking eyes looking back at him but only difference was that they were in a painting, painting of her, his Melissa.

The white dress looked serene on her and her long raven hairs were trapping his heart. His eyes didn’t wander from her face as he kept looking at picture.

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