The One He Claimed

The One 72

The One 72

Chapter 72: Getting Settled Sophie Dutton got the twins calmed while I pushed the food into the room. I didn’t want to intrude, but I also didn’t feel comfortable leaving them alone yet. So, I grabbed the plate of food that I knew Hunter had made for me, the plate with all of my favorites, and I sat off to the side, letting Dutton to serve his mates and take care of them. “You can eat with us, Luna,” Tiffany says. “Oh yes, you don’t have to eat alone. You’re already giving up time at the party,” Tammi adds. “That’s okay. I don’t want to intrude,” I say. “Please, Luna. Join us,” Dutton says as he serves his mates. I feel like he wants to give the girls a break so they can eat without making themselves sick with nerves, so I pick up my plate and go to sit with them. “I’m guessing you don’t want any wine since you’re expecting?” he asks. “No, but thank you, Alpha.” “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl?” he asks as he pours the wine, confirming my suspicions that he was letting the girls settle by focusing the conversation on me. “We find out tomorrow morning. I’m pretty sure Hunter is secretly hoping for a boy, but we’ll see.” “How did you get pregnant so quickly, Luna? I know you said it’s because you love your mate and you enjoy intimacy, but could that really be all that it is? It’s so rare for a Luna to be pregnant so soon,” Tammi asks me, surreptitiously eyeing Dutton. “I think, from the little I know about the, let’s call them fractured mate bonds, that intimacy isn’t as frequent as what I experience with Hunter. I love being with my mate. I can’t get enough of him, and he feels the same for me. When I’m with him, I open myself to him. I accept the gifts that he’s giving me. It’s the way it was meant to be, I think,” I say smiling. “And because of that, and because we were never careful about avoiding a pregnancy, here I am,” I smile, looking down and rubbing my stomach. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“We’re very happy for you, Luna. Speaking as an Alpha, I can say that every Alpha wants a male heir, someone he knows can one day take over the pack for him. But I also believe that your mate will be thrilled to have a little Sophie running around the pack,” Dutton says, smiling at me. “I believe you’re right, Alpha,” I say. “What about you, Alpha? What would be your preference for a pup?” Tiffany asks him. “Healthy, happy, and loved. That’s all that matters, boy or girl, I’ll be happy to have a pup, or pups. I’d like to have more than one and if the two of you accept me as your mate, then we can talk about how many each of you want. I’d be happy to fill my packhouse with our pups,” he says, his eyes shining possessively while his mates both blush, looking down to try and hide their smiles. 1280 Mooch “I want three,” Tammi says, showing more confidence that I’ve seen in her yet. “Then three you shall have,” he says, smiling as her smile widens at his words. Then he turns to Tiffany. “What about you?” Tiffany raises her chin, looking at her sister, then back at Dutton. “Tammi and I agreed that if we ever found our mate, that I would be the one who would produce the heir. I don’t care how many children I have to have as long as I have one boy.” “What if you have a boy first? Are you done?” he asks, casually challenging her. “Well, no,” she says frowning. “And does that mean that Tammi doesn’t get to have children until you have a boy? My first-born son would be heir to the pack, regardless of which of you delivered him,” he says, looking at them. “Couldn’t we just say that Tiffany’s first-born son was heir to the pack?” Tammi asks. “That would potentially take the right of being Alpha away from one of our sons, Tammi, just because he was born to you and not Tiffany. That sort of thing breeds contempt among Alphas and brothers. I would never want one of my sons to be angry or hateful toward another for taking what they feel is rightfully theirs,” he says. I know he’s right, but the twins were born into an all-girl family, and they are Betas. The issue of

handing over pack rights to Tiffany’s first-born son seems okay in theory, but Dutton is right. Chapter 72: Getting Settled 甘 That’s how discontent is started among families, and it wouldn’t be the first time a brother killed another to take over the pack. I can see that they hadn’t considered all of the ramifications of their decisions. “I believe that you all have a lot to talk about and these sorts of decisions don’t have to be made today. You’re still getting to know each other; you’re still deciding if you are going to accept Alpha Dutton as your mate…” “We are?” Tammi asks, looking at Tiffany for confirmation. “Are you?” Dutton asks Tiffany, obviously recognizing that she’s the mouthpiece for the two when it comes to decision making. “Luna, how did Alpha Dutton vote at the committee meeting last week?” she asks, not taking her eyes off of him. “He voted in favor of Hunter keeping his title.” “And how do you feel about public claimings?” she asks Dutton. “My mind is being changed about them. I’ll admit, when I first met Luna Sophie, I was surprised to hear about the reasons that the public claimings were so traumatic for women. It’s different for men and it’s different for our wolves. Not having any sisters, I didn’t fully understand the impact that it caused. Now, seeing both of you, having you here with me, I have no intention of sharing any part of our intimacy with anyone. That is mine, for me alone to have with the two of you.” “I believe our mind is made up, but we want to take it slow, Alpha,” Tiffany says. Chapter Getting Settled 11788 others “I understand. You’ve had a difficult time and I want you both to feel safe and confident that I will protect you from anyone or anything, that includes your previous Alpha and your father. And you’re my mates, you should call me Dutton.” I swear I can see Tammi melting at his words and even Tiffany’s rigid posture seems to relax.

“It sounds like you won’t be needing me any longer,” I say, standing. “Alpha Dutton, you have a room, but the twins are sharing one. If you decide that the three of you are moving into one room, just let me know.” All three stand and the twins turn to look at me. “Thank you so much, Luna,” Tiffany says. “Yes, thank you,” Tammi says. “You’re very welcome. Please let me or Hunter know if you need anything at all. And Alpha, you and your mates are welcome to stay as long as you’d like. I believe that Alpha Robin is staying until the committee meeting later this week. He’ll be using that time to get to know his mate as well.” “Thank you, Luna. We may do that. I’d like to give my mates some time to adjust and as you said, we have a lot to talk about.” “I’ll leave you to it then,” I say and walk out. I walk back into the main room, seeing that the party is still going, but it’s starting to die down. I find Kinsley talking to Lucas. “Where is everyone?” 250 Mouchers “Well, after the birthday girl left with her mate to walk around the pack lands and probably have some privacy, everyone else started to head to their rooms.” “Where’s Penny?” I ask, looking around. “She got skittish about Alpha Ezra saying hi, and she retired early.” “Where is Alpha Ezra?” I ask, not seeing him either. “He was with me, but I think he’s retired now as well,” Hunter says, coming up behind me. “The twins?” “They’re well enough that they’re talking about who’s going to have the Alpha heir,” I say, smiling. “Already?” Kinsley asks as Hunter wraps his arms around me from behind, nuzzling into my neck. “They had it all figured out in their minds, but it’s not going to work in practice,” I tell them. Lucas looks around the room. “Come on, love, let’s get to bed. I know you weren’t feeling well this morning and you’ve had a long day. There’s no one left that needs tending to,” he says to Kinsley. “You were ill this morning?” I ask her, concerned.

“I think something I ate last night just didn’t agree with me. I feel fine now, just a little tired, but as Lucas said, it’s been a long day.” He wraps an arm around her shoulder and kisses the side of her head. I’m thrilled that she doesn’t flinch away from his touch. “Come on, time for me to take care of my mate and put her to bed,” he says, leading Kinsley away “Time for me to take care of my mate too,” Hunter growls in my ear. “Did you have more positions you want to try tonight?” I turn in his arms and smile up at him. “Several.”

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