The One He Claimed

The One 73

The One 73

Chapter 73: Excitement Hunter I’m so excited that I nearly jump out of bed without taking care of my mate. Nearly. The day I forget to start my day inside my mate, hearing her sweet moans, and my name coming from her lips, is the day that I give up being an Alpha. When she’s lying limp in my arms, exhausted and happy, I carry her to the showers, and take her again. “Someone’s happy this morning,” she says, smiling at me as we get ready for warrior training. “I can hardly wait for warrior training to be done so we can find out if we’re having a boy or a girl,” I tell her. She slowly walks over to me, her hips swaying as she walks, making me hard and ready for her again. She takes my face in her hands and lifts up to kiss me. “We need to check on our guests and we need to make sure you know I’m ready for an attack and able to protect myself and our pup, so let’s go to warrior training and have breakfast, then go find out if we’re having your Alpha heir.” I stop, grabbing her hand as she starts to walk away. “You know I don’t care, right? You know I’m just thrilled to be having a pup with you? Boy or girl, I don’t care. I mean, yeah, I want an heir, but if this is a girl it just means we have to have another pup,” I say grinning as my mate laughs up at me. She’s so beautiful when she laughs. Chapter 73 Excftement 288 Vouchers “We can have a couple of each, if you’d like,” she says, sauntering away. I begin following her, my magnet that constantly draws me to her. “Oh, I’d like. We should definitely keep practicing,” I say to her, once again making her laugh. She’s still laughing, smiling up at me as we walk out to warrior training. I’m sure I look possessively happy as I smile back at her. The entire group goes quiet as we join them. “About time,” Lucas grumbles as I kiss Sophie and jog up to the front. “What are you so grumpy about?” I ask him.

He just shakes his head. I frown, but leave it for now. I begin our training, noticing that Kinsley is absent. “Where’s your mate?” I ask Lucas in an aside. “She’s sick again,” he grumbles. I look at him. “Do we need to get her to see the doctor?” “She won’t go. She says she’s fine. We’re just getting to a point where she trusts me, so I don’t want to push…” “I’ll talk to Sophie. I’ll have her talk to Kinsley,” I say. “Thank you, Alpha,” he says, relief evident in his voice. I look around, seeing Robin and Nikki sparring. Robin is smiling at Nikki’s skill. She’s not wearing his mark yet, but I can smell his scent on her from here. They’ll make a good pair. I also see Dutton sparring with his mates. They all look Chapter 73: Excitement 1288 Vouchers exhausted, and I’m impressed that they are even up. Once again, none of them have marks on their necks. It’s probably a good thing they’re taking it slow. Once the warriors are training, I move to Sophie and begin. sparring with her. She’s getting better, faster, and stronger. I know that’s time limited for now. As she gets larger with my pup, her agility and flexibility will decrease, but I’m really proud of her. And since I don’t care who wins our sparring matches, I can be extra careful with my punches, only tagging her in the arms and legs. I don’t throw any serious kicks her way, but she doesn’t hold back which is exactly what I want. She nearly knocks me to the ground with a low, swiping kick and I have to work to stay on my feet and maneuver to tag her on her back side. Because I’m proud of her, I swat her a**hard, harder than I would if I have landed a punch. She yips, rubbing her a**cheek. “You’re going to kiss that later and make it better, Alpha,” she purrs. “Any time, my Luna,” I say, and I’m surprised when Lucas calls the end of training. It’s good that I’ve been distracted by my mate and not focused on our doctor appointment. We start to head inside, and I pull Sophie aside. “Lucas said that Kinsley is sick again this morning.

He’s worried about her but he’s afraid to push her too hard to see a doctor because they’re relationship is just starting to improve. Would you talk to her?” “Absolutely. I can’t have my Beta getting sick on me,” she says. “You are utterly incredible. Do you know that?” I ask her, pulling her to a stop as we walk into the dining hall. “I think you’re pretty incredible too, Alpha.” 09.15 11 248 vouchers I lean in, cupping her face in my hand as I kiss her. Here, in our pack, I don’t have to wait for her to kiss me. I can feel through our bond that she trusts me and our pack. As I kiss her, I can once again feel the pack’s happiness, their contentment at our relationship. “Can we have that?” I hear a soft voice ask as I continue to kiss my mate. “That’s exactly what I want us to have,” I hear Dutton say. “Us too?” I hear Nikki ask. “Nah, I want you leaping into my arms and wrapping yourself around me when we kiss,” Robin replies and I hear Nikki snort. I smile, feeling Sophie smiling as well, both of us having heard their conversations.. She pulls away from me, still smiling up at me. “When you trust your mate like I do, you can have any kind of relationship you want,” she says loud enough for them to hear, once again. making me feel like a f**g king. stroke her cheek. “Goddess, I love you.” I take her hand and we walk to where the food is laid out. When we fill out plates, we return to the table with our guests who also now include Ezra and Penny “Penny!” Sophie says, rushing to say hello to her friend. I smile, then turn to Ezra who is watching me closely. “I missed you at training,” I say. “Apparently you did, since I was there,” he says, raising an 09152

Chapter 33 Exotement. 1288 Vouchers eyebrow at me. “You were?” I ask and he nods. “Sorry, my mind’s on our appointment this morning,” I say. “I understand. If you don’t mind, can you send me that draft of the law change you’re proposing? I’m leaving after breakfast,” he says. “Is everything alright?” He looks down at his food, and I see him swallow a lump in his throat. “It’s hard. Being here. Seeing what you have. I’m happy for you, but…it’s hard.” “I understand,” I say, and I do. I know that if Sophie took her life, I’d be devastated. I’m not sure I could go on like Ezra has. Maybe I’d dedicate myself to my pack, but I don’t even know if I’ d have the will to do that. Their bond may not have been as strong as mine is with Sophie, but I know Ezra loved my sister with everything in him. When we’re done with breakfast, I know our time is getting close. I feel like a child on his birthday waiting to open his presents. “I think I’ll take my mate to our appointment before his nervous energy begins to permeate the entire pack,” Sophie says, smiling at me. “I’m not ashamed that I’m excited,” I say, smiling back at her. “Come on, Alpha, let’s go,” she says, standing and taking my hand. We say goodbye to our guests and walk together to the pack hospital. I feel like I’m walking on air, like I want to s**p down the street. I’m practically giddy with excitement. I can feel Shaw’ s excitement mixing with mine, intensifying my emotions. Sophie just chuckles at me as we walk in and announce ourselves. I can’t sit, too excited to find out what the gender of our baby will be. When we get into the room and Dr. Felicity comes in, she smiles at me before turning to Sophie. “I see our Alpha is ready. Are you, Luna?” “Yes,” she says, and Dr. Felicity squirts some goo on Sophie’s stomach and turns on a television

monitor. “Okay, let’s see what we can see,” she says. Sophie reaches out her hand and I take it, leaning over her to wrap my arm around her, putting my face close to hers and kissing her cheek quickly before focusing on the monitor. “Here’s your baby’s heart. It’s beating beautifully,” Dr. Felicity says, and I see a small pulsing blob on the screen. She clicks a button and Sophie and I can both hear the sound of our pup’s heart. I can smell the salt of Sophie’s tears and I lean in, nuzzling the side of her head as I watch the monitor in rapt attention. “It’s small, and maybe hard for you to see, but this is your baby’s head,” the doctor says, clicking a button. “This is their bottom, which means they’re being shy and turned away from me. Typical Alpha making my job hard,” Dr. Felicity says good. naturedly, which makes my mate chuckle. I kiss the side of her head, my eyes still glued to the screen. Dr. Felicity moves the wand around on Sophie’s stomach, trying to get a better picture of our pup. “I’m going to poke you a little, to see if I can get closer to your pup, Luna. If I hurt you, let me know.” Sophie nods and Dr. Felicity begins moving the wand around of different parts of Sophie’s stomach, pushing until she finds the spot she wants and the freezes the image on the screen. “You want to know what you’re having, right?” she asks, looking over at us. “Yes!” we both say. “Well, Alpha, Luna. It looks like you’re having a boy.” My response, or maybe it’s Shaw’s, is instinctual. I lift my head up and howl my utter happiness with this news.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

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