
Chapter 178


Chapter 59 – Part of Me 

“My happiness grows in dret proporce, and in inverse proportion to my expectations” 

Michael Sow 

Heaven was in the blue eyes of a white haired angel who saved my life. 

Death had carried me over the threshold of the afterlife, ready to settle me before my matron goddess. 

Ring beside Death was Onyx, my companion for eternity. That was the end of me; I gave my life to save Kia, and my fate awaited me past the darkness 

However, the warmth of life called to my soul. Tendrils of holy silver pulled me away from Death toward the light. Death grumbled and stomped its feet because someone disrupted the natural process all living beings 

must encounter. 

At first, I didn’t want to go back. It was time for Onyx and me to move on. 

Until the tendrils twirled into the shape of a hand, beckoning me to touch it. The same stretched out to Onyx, but as a paw. I heard the melodic voice of the woman I love caressing my heart and ears. 

Come back to me, please. 

The memories rushed back. I realized couldn’t leave yet. There was so much left unsaid and undone. Without hesitation, I took the luminous hand into mine and Onyx took the paw into his, and a flash of light pulled us both in the arms of our angel on earth. 

But I couldn’t celebrate. My happiness turned to sheer panic when Kiya collapsed on top of me. Her holy light dimmed, reverting her back to her original form. Dozens of others shared my panic as a bittersweet end to an ageless battle against the darkness. 

Afterwards, it was one big blur. 

I didn’t take a single breath until we got to the hospital at Garnet Moon. I cradled Kiya’s limp body against my chest, her head rolling on my shoulder. The doctors and nurses hopped into action under the authority of Anthony’s command, settling Kiya on a gurney, and rolling her away further in the hospital. 

Every breath, every foot tap, foretold the anxiety bubbling in each of us. The whiplash of the role reversal stressed our minds out–I died and came back. Now, there is no telling if Kiya was crossing the same threshold of death. Valerian insisted to have a nurse examine me, but I assured him I was alright. 

I felt better than ever, and I felt awful about it. Why? I knew healing took a toll on Kiya’s health. She knew. The first time she healed Abigail and me, it knocked her unconscious. She used the same power to resuscitate 

  1. me. 

I don’t know what I’ll do if Kiya ends up dying. 

Asim didn’t join us, assuming he had to take care of his brother’s body. The rest of us remained in the hospital waiting room, waiting for updates. The orange sunset stretched its lights toward our feet, casting a glow that didn’t comfort us. My soldiers returned to Zircon Moon, along with my Beta and Gamma. After this 

de (The Moonlight Avatar Series Önfection) 

Chapter 89 Part of Me 

“My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations.” Michael J. Fox 


Heaven was in the blue eyes of a white–haired angel who saved my life. 

Death had carried me over the threshold of the afterlife, ready to settle me before my matron goddess. Walking beside Death was Onyx, my companion for eternity. That was the end of me; I gave my life to save Kiya, and my fate awaited me past the darkness. 

However, the warmth of life called to my soul. Tendrils of holy silver pulled me away from Death toward the light. Death grumbled and stomped its feet because someone disrupted the natural process all living beings 

must encounter. 

At first, I didn’t want to go back. It was time for Onyx and me to move on. 

Until the tendrils twirled into the shape of a hand, beckoning me to touch it. The same stretched out to Onyx, but as a paw. I heard the melodic voice of the woman I love caressing my heart and ears. 

Come back to me, please. 

The memories rushed back. I realized couldn’t leave yet. There was so much left unsaid and undone. Without hesitation, I took the luminous hand into mine and Onyx took the paw into his, and a flash of light pulled us both in the arms of our angel on earth. 

But I couldn’t celebrate. My happiness turned to sheer panic when Kiya collapsed on top of me. Her holy light dimmed, reverting her back to her original form. Dozens of others shared my panic as a bittersweet end to an ageless battle against the darkness. 

Afterwards, it was one big blur. 

I didn’t take a single breath until we got to the hospital at Garnet Moon. I cradled Kiya’s limp body against my chest, her head rolling on my shoulder. The doctors and nurses hopped into action under the authority of Anthony’s command, settling Kiya on a gurney, and rolling her away further in the hospital. 

Every breath, every foot tap, foretold the anxiety bubbling in each of us. The whiplash of the role reversal stressed our minds out–I died and came back. Now, there is no telling if Kiya was crossing the same threshold of death. Valerian insisted to have a nurse examine me, but I assured him I was alright. 

I felt better than ever, and I felt awful about it. Why? I knew healing took a toll on Kiya’s health. She knew. The first time she healed Abigail and me, it knocked her unconscious. She used the same power to resuscitate 

  1. me. 

I don’t know what I’ll do if Kiya ends up dying. 

Asim didn’t join us, assuming he had to take care of his brother’s body. The rest of us remained in the hospital waiting room, waiting for updates. The orange sunset stretched its lights toward our feet, casting a glow that didn’t comfort us. My soldiers returned to Zircon Moon, along with my Beta and Gamma. After this 

Chapter 19 – Part of Me 

madness, they needed the comfort of their mates

Onyx howled in sadness, anguished about Artemis. He could lose her again before they had the chance to talk. 

On my bouncing leg, I rested my head on my fists, calling out a hushed prayer to Selene for Kiya’s recovery. She teetered on the edge of death many times and bounced back. This time shouldn’t be any different. A hand gripped my knee in comfort. I looked up to see Nikolai offering me a modest smile. It did something to my heart that I couldn’t explain. 

“Mi rayo de luna is strong. She’s going to be fine.” 

“I know.” That was what everyone had told me. Kiya is going to be fine. I need to see it for myself before I could believe it. Kiya, pull through. Don’t die on me now, please

“Alpha Anthony?” 

All our heads collectively shot up when an auburn–haired doctor walked in. She clutched her clipboard and adjusted her glasses. Anthony rose from his seat and walked toward her. 

“How is she?” 

“She is alright. Her vitals are normal, her heart is strong–no physical or physiological anomaly that would 

cause the condition that she is in now.” 

“W–wait… condition?” Lyra spoke, her eyes glistening with tears. “What happened to my baby?” 

“She is in a coma.” 


How does one describe peace? Definitions and descriptions vary from person to person, but for me? Peace is 

simply bliss. No harm, no fouls, no pain. 

I felt lightweight, like the world had released me from its confines, allowing me to ascend to the skies. Was I in my body? Didn’t seem like it. Despite the light sensation, my hands felt a hard texture. All of me did. Yet, I didn’t want to move. I wanted to rest. 

Until something poked me at my hip, trying to nudge me awake. I groaned, scuffling away. “Five more 


Kiya, wake up. You sleep like a damn sloth.” 

“I’m comfy, Artemis. Leave me alone.” 

I heard Artemis sigh, growling as she poked me with her snout. I didn’t budge. Shuffling was heard, and I felt her presence tower over my body

“It looks like I’ll have to wake you up the ol‘ fashioned way.” 

Hot breath tickled my ear and cheeks with her soft growls rumbling through her chest and into my ears. A 

warning for what was about to come. Before I got the rude awakening that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, my hand shot up and gripped her jaw closed. I opened my eyes to glare daggers into Artemis‘ blues. 

“Don’t even think about it.” 

Artemis chuckled as I rose to my knees, stretching my arms above to loosen any kinks in my body. She took a seat next to me when I noted the familiar place we were in. The white world. The warmth remained, but so did my confusion. 

“Why are we here again?” I turned to Artemis. 

“I’m not sure, Kiki.Artemis replied, her tail swishing from side–to–side behind her. “But what I remember before we got here is that you, or rather we, passed out after we revived Neron and Onyx.” 

A disgruntled groan rumbled in my chest. I warned Selene that I might not survive after the healing, and now I’m here again! Sighing, I rested my head against Artemis‘ pelt, relishing in the softness of her fur. Despite the circumstances, I was glad to have her at my side through it all. 

“Welcome back.” Our heads turned to see Selene approaching us with a wide smile, hands folded in front of her silver dress. “You’ve successfully revived a man on the edge of death. A taboo act amongst the gods, but bending the rules here and there is always a source of fun. How do you feel, Kiya?” 

“I feel calm, but I feel like there is a catch here somewhere. I quirked a skeptical eyebrow, “Why am I here?” 

“As you know, healing takes a tremendous toll on your health and well–being. Using your life essence to heal the wounds of others is a double–edged sword. You gave everything you got to bring Neron back, but your body couldn’t keep up. Think of it as the energy of your soul was drained to the maximum, so you need time to recover.” 

“So… I’m unconscious?” 

“For the time being, yes.” Selene nodded. “Your body needs to heal, not just from the resurrection, but the literal hell you’ve been through under Osiris‘ refuge.” 

I nodded in understanding. Moments before I collapsed, my body felt like it was shattering piece by piece. I had no strength to hold myself up, let alone talk. “When will I wake up?” 

Selene’s eyes reflected sadness as she expelled a soft sigh. “Only time will tell, my child. But no harm will come to you. You’re being well taken care of by your family.” 

A smile rested on my lips as I thought about my family before it fell. They must be so worried. I couldn’t wait to hug them again. Selene ran her smooth hands through my curls, her fingers massaging my scalp. I let out a quiet purr as I leaned backward and relaxed into her tender touch. A similar sound came from Artemis when Selene petted her, her tail picking up speed. 

“Don’t get too comfortable, my dear.” My goddess chuckled. “There are a couple of things you need to take care of while you’re here.” 

Confusion settled on my face when I looked up at her, lips pursed. “What do you mean?” 

“You’ll see.” With that, she took her place some distance from Artemis and me. Before I could rest my head 

against my wolf again, a small voice in the distance called out for me, 


Pitter–patter of tiny feet rung through the air, the distant light silhouetting a tiny figure running toward me. The closer it was, the more the dark faded to features I knew too well. Shocked, I turned my entire body toward the child and stretched my arms out for a hug. 

“Halima!” My inner child leaped into my arms, nearly toppling the both of us over as she clung onto my body like a young koala. Halima giggled and muzzled her head into the crook of my neck, her curls tickling my chin. Once we separated, I noticed her change of clothing. Instead of the filthy dress, she wore a pure white, thick strapped dress brushing over her knees. Her hair was brushed out and healthy, matching mine right down to the smallest curl. She even scampered over to Artemis to hug her, but because of her height, Artemis had to lean down so Halima can cline around her neck. 

“Hi, Arty!” 

“U–Uh…” Artemis looked at me for help, but all I did was stifle a laugh. She rolled her eyes and nuzzled her nose into Halima’s belly, “I’ll let it slide this time. Hello to you too, Halima.” 

Halima finally released Artemis before turning to me. “Thank you for freeing us, Kiya. And…” She suddenly looked embarrassed; eyes downcast as she rocked on her heels. “I’m… sorry for what I did to you. I hurt you, didn’t 1?” 

My heart twinged in pain at Halima’s distressed expression. I took her small hand into mine and pulled her into my lap, rubbing her arm as I hugged her. “You did, but I’m okay. We’re okay, sweetheart. How are you feeling after all of this?” 

“Good!” She grinned. “I’m not in that gross place anymore, so I feel happy!” Artemis sat next to us, resting her head near my knees. Halima took it as a sign to pet her head. All I wanted was for you to see me, Kiki. I didn’t want you to forget about me.” 

“Hali, I’ll never forget you.” I forgot about Halima at first. I didn’t want to know her existence because the past was too painful. But this experience changed my entire perspective. Halima was more than my inner child–she was the innocence in my heart. She bore all my unhealed trauma and suffered alone in the dark. Osiris took advantage of her vulnerability because of my fears. “I made mistakes and ignored you, but no more. I accept you as a part of me and I’ll never leave you alone again.” 

Halima held up a pinky, her eyes widening with innocent hope. “Promise?” 

I hooked my pinky around hers without hesitation. “I promise.” 

Halima squealed in pure delight, leaning in to kiss me on the check before delivering the same to Artemis. She pointed to my heart over my left breast, silver light sparkling from where she touched me. “I’ll be here if 

you ever need me again with Ala! I love you, Kiya, and you too, Artemis!” 

A tear slid down my cheek as Halima’s smile warmed my heart. The smile I wanted to protect. The smile i wanted all children to have. I ran my hand through my hair one last time, hugging her tight. “I love you too, Halima.” 

“And 1, too.” 

Halima’s body faded in color, her browns, blacks, and whites washing away until she was translucent as a ghost. Her high–pitched, happy giggles were the last sounds I’ve heard as her body faded into dozens of sparkling balls of light, bunching up around my heart before fading away. My eyes shed more tears as I rested my hands over my heart, mourning over Halima’s absence and presence at the same time. 

Until I felt another presence in this realm. In the distance. 

Hopping on my feet, my legs carried me toward the presence with Artemis at low. Light and white faded to reveal a person with their back turned to me–features matching mine except for her straightened hair. She must’ve known I was behind her because she shuffled her weight on another foot, sighing. 

“Lady S 

I asked. 

“Can… Can you not call me that?” She turned her head, crimson eyes meeting mine. “Osiris gave me that name and… I just…” 

“You don’t have to explain. I understand.” I nodded, mulling my thoughts over. “Do you have a name in mind?” 

“I don’t know. Never really had one.” 

“How about we start with… San, for now?” My twin was silent for a few seconds before nodding. 

“I like it.” The power in her voice had vanished, now replaced with timidness. Nervous, she turned her body around completely, but bowed her head as if it was too shameful for her to look at me. “All I wanted was to protect you, Kiya. I wanted to stop your pain at the source, so you never had to feel it again.” 

“I don’t think I could go through life without feeling some sort of pain.” I brought my hands up and rested them on San’s shoulders, squeezing them. “You don’t have to protect me all the time. Your intentions were good, but the execution was-” 

“Terrible?” San finished, shaking her head. “Osiris just… made everything out to be some sort of paradise. Kill to get it or let it slip away.” 

“He played all of us.” I concluded. “But I don’t hate you.” 

She raised her eyebrows. “You don’t?” 

“I don’t.” I smiled at her. “I understood why you needed to be there. All I did was run from everything and neglected the most important and volatile parts of myself; you, and Halima. I had to stop running and face my fears. You aren’t a villain, San.” 

San fell silent again, fidgeting with her fingers as if she was waiting for something. “So, I taught you a lesson?” C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“More or less. But you are me. as a part of me.” 

1 accept ur 

That must’ve been the thing she was waiting for because, before I knew it, she yanked me into a hug and buried her face in my shoulder. Her arms squeezed my torso tight, heaving a small sob. She needed this as much as I did. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed back, rubbing her back soothingly. After a minute, San let me go and smiled. A smile that wasn’t tainted with blood. 


“Thank you.” San said as she reached out to pet Artemis. “Thank you for accepting me.” 

Just like with Halima, San’s body faded to a translucent outline before exploding into balls of light, rushing toward my heart and fading away. Artemis and I shared a look before we walked back to Selene, who held a jubilant grin on her face. 

“I knew I made a wise decision when I chose you as my avatar. You harbor more strength than any god or goddess I know,” 

“Is that why you didn’t help me during this entire ordeal?” I asked. “Because you knew I’d get out of it?” 

“You didn’t need my interference, Kiya. You got yourself out of the chaos and you still standing strong and tall. That is where the real reward comes in and I couldn’t be prouder.” Selene pulled me into a hug and sighed with content happiness. “So, so proud of you…” 

After a few heartfelt moments between Selene and 1, she left Artemis and I to our devices. She mentioned something about passing judgement on some mongrels. Artemis rested against the ground and I cuddled into her, resting my head on her torso as her fluffy tail covered me like a blanket. 

“I love you, Artemis.” I whispered, running my hand through her tail. “Let us rest now, shall we?” 

“I love you too, Kiya.” She leaned over and licked my hand, her own way of kissing me. “Yes, rest sounds good.” 

The both of us fell into a placid slumber in the sweet warmth of our love. 

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