
Chapter 180

Chapter 92 Reunion 


“Happiness is only real when shared. -Jon Krakauer 



Adonis small body burst through my hospital room door, with Raina and Valerian trickling in behind him. With his arms stretched out in front of him, the boy was about to make a mighty leap until a flash of realization flew across his face. Adonis paused, removed his shoes with his feet at the end of my bed, and blazed past Mom and Neron, leaping into my arms with the biggest hug he could muster. I let out a low groan because of my strength returning to my body, but it didn’t deter me from hugging him back. 

“Hi, little prince.” His curly hair tickled my chin as he adjusted himself on my lap. “How’ve you been?” 

“Good! I’m glad you’re awake! I tried waking you before, but Mommy said you were in deep sleep.” 

“1…” I gave my nephew a small smile while rubbing small circles on his back. “Yes, I was sleeping. I needed it to feel better.” 

“Do you feel better now?” 


Minus the sour stench of vanilla stuck to my nose, waking up after a long slumber felt surreal. It was like waking up to a different world. Dull aches pulsated throughout my limbs as expected, but the air had shifted. I carried an invisible weight on my back for so long, with the world callously adding more weight each day. The world didn’t care. The weight crushed me like a bug after I revived Neron, sending me into infinite darkness. But Artemis was at my side throughout our healing in our mini white world. We fought my demons for years, and it was our time to relax. 

Now, I’m awake and the weight had lifted. I felt lighter than a feather. Freer than a bird taking their first flight from the nest. Halima and San rested within my heart, and now and then, I could feel a minor tug from the center. Were they cheering me on? Were they happy for me? I won’t ever know that answer, but I’m glad that I’m okay. 

I’m glad that I get to see tomorrow. 

The sound of a chair sliding against the ground made way for approaching footsteps that stopped beside my nephew and me. I lifted my head up to see Raina looking down at me with tears glistening in her eyes, fingers reaching, then contracting like she was afraid to touch me. A faint flowery scent tickled my nose, a complete opposite from Raina’s lavender aroma. It wasn’t until I looked down to see her rounding belly poking out of her maroon blouse was when I got my answer. 

Her unborn baby. The baby that saved her life from Lady Sanguine’s deadly blade. 

A flood of emotion rushed through me when I reached out my hand to rest on her stomach. Raina gasped quietly, folding her hand on top of my own. I wanted to cry when I felt the life stirring inside, but blinked back my tears. I didn’t want to get emotional. Instead, I looked back up at her, expelling a heavy sigh. 


Buima amovered with a hug, squishing her son in between our bodies. Adonis squeaked but giggled, wrapping bis arms around us, hugging us both at the same time. Raina’s soft sniffing echoed loud in my eardrums along with her whispers of relief that I was okay. I almost couldn’t believe that she didn’t hold an aversion to me, because I could feel and smell the anger and concern coming from Valerian in the distance. 

Tim alinghn, baby sis. I was so scared that you’d never wake up.” She whimpered, running her hand through my factened curls. 

My arms found their way around Raina, tightening around her frame. Through the unbridled hatred I had felt for this woman, there was that part that ached for her touch. That part of me would never forget the bond I used to have with Raina, but somehow, it felt good to have her here, next to me. 

“The baby?” 

“She’s good.” 

I pulled back, eyes widening with shock. “She?” 

Raina chuckled at my reaction and nodded, petting Adonis on the head as he looked up at her with stars for eyes. “Yes. I’ll be having a girl” 

Tm going to be a big brother. Auntie Adonis exclaimed, hopping on my lap in excitement. “Can you tell me how she got in Mommy’s stomach? Because she and Daddy won’t say anything.” 

“Th” Heat rushed to my cheeks while my mind scrambled for a solution. Jackle snorted beside me. Mom covered her mouth to stifle her laughter, and the men at the door looked away like they have heard nothing. Sighing 1 patted Adonis on the shoulder and answered, “I’ll tell you in five to ten years.” 

Adonis disappointed groan was interrupted out of the blue when the door burst open, nearly hitting Valerian in the face. My hospital room got significantly smaller when Kwame, Lorelai, Dad, Anthony, and everyone else sprung in. A tiny voice amongst the adults whined. A smaller body squeezed out from the forest of legs, 

unning over to my empty side past Jackie. She hopped in my lap, thus making two children sitting on either 


“Tis! Auntie!” Ximena shrieked, hugging my arm like a koala. “You’re awake! I missed you!” 

Before I could answer, a faint growl from my side made me jump. I looked down with wide eyes and jaw dropped to see Adonis glaring at Ximena with contempt. She seemed to notice as well and glared back with the same power her miniature body could hold. 

“Auntie?” Adonis questioned. “Auntie Kiya is my Auntie!” 

“Your Auntie?” Ximena snarled, hugging my arm possessively. “She was my auntie first, dummy!” 

Uh, oh. 

I looked to Anthony and Alesia for help, but their muffled laughter hinted at their enjoyment of the new rivalry between children. 


Chapter 92 – Reunion 

You need to leave!” Adonis barked. 

“No, you!” Ximena shot back before looking up at me. “Auntie, tell him you were mine first!” 

“I just woke up from a two–month coma…” I moaned, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

“Daddy! Mommy! Get him out!” 

“Hey! Who do you think you are?” 

“An Alpha. Ximena grinned, showing off her white teeth. “You look like a Beta.” 

“And what if I am?!” Adonis scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You don’t look like an Alpha. You’re very tiny.” 

Before the two could break out into a child brawl, a deep rumble echoed through the room. Everyone’s eyes shot at me as I was sure red was bursting on my cheeks, despite my dark complexion. I shined an awkward smile and bowed my head to hide my shame. 

“….. I’m hungry?” 

This wasn’t hunger. The bear in my belly had graduated to a ravenous whale. While everyone surrounding me was eating their lunches in relative peace, I was scarfing down bowl after bowl, not caring what was inside. The whale needed to be satiated, and I missed the taste of normal food. 

Eating different foods at the same time was a recipe for disaster, but who am I kidding? I’m fucking starving! 

“Mija! ¡Calmate!” Dad snatched a takeout box I was reaching for filled with dan dan noodles. “This is your eight bowl of noodles in the last five minutes! If you don’t be careful, you could choke!” 

I bared my teeth and hissed, unable to satiate my hunger. He held it out of arm’s reach when I reached for it again, knowing damn well I’d be slow to get out my bed. In the end, Mom plucked the bowl from his hands and handed it back to me. “Mi amor, she hasn’t eaten in two months. You know how she can eat us out of 

house and home!” 

“I’d like some food, too!” Dad grumbled, dropping in his seat next to his wife like a cantankerous old man. Well, he is one

“At least she likes my cooking!” Galen shouted in pride, grinning from ear to ear in his seat. “If there is anyone, I trust to judge my food fairly, it’s our resident vacuum cleaner!” 

Neron choked on his drink while I slurped up the last of my noodles, shooting a glare at my friend. “I don’t cat that much!” 

Jackie held up two full bags of empty takeout boxes and tupperware. So did Abigail. So did Sapphire. Darien, 

mail. So did 

too. My lips dropped into a scowl as I crossed my arms and huffed. “Like Mom said, I haven’t eaten in two 


“You also ate everyone’s portions of the food.” Darien deadpanned. 

Hey, you all still ate! And you offered!” 

Chapter 92–Reunion 

“Because you had that puppy look in your eyes when you want something.” Sapphire rolled her eyes, ducking to avoid the plastic spoon I flung at her. Yeah, I eat a lot. So what? I haven’t broken any of my past records yet; I just need two more bowls of noodles to do that

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“Are you still hungry, though? Neron walked to my side and handed me his bowl of chicken fettuccini, made from Cleo’s lovely hands. My stomach wanted it, but I pushed the bowl aside. “Come on, I insist.” 

“No, Neron. You need to eat too.” 

“Now, she’s being considerate.” Jackie chuckled, only to be silenced by Abigail’s elbow to her arm. 

“I don’t mind. You need the food more than I do.” 

“… Are you sure?” 

“Of course! Besides, I’ll be fi-” Before he could finish his sentence, I snatched the bowl like a greedy gremlin and stabbed the noodles, stuffing as much of the cheesy noodles I can fit into my mouth. Manners were lost to me when it came to feeding, even if I look like a deranged puppy. Neron’s gaze lingered on my skin, harboring a decent level of shock when our eyes met. I smirked and continued to enjoy my savory offering until I was 


I let out a small burp, which Adonis and Ximena both giggled to before scowling at one another again. I patted my legs once and yawned. “Well, it’s time for me to move out of this bed. As comfortable as it was, I’m 

getting antsy.” 

“Here, I’ll help.” Neron insisted, offering me his hand. I swung my legs over the edge and shook his hand 


“I’m fine, I got this.” 

“Kiya, you were immobile for two months,” Raina said, looking apprehensive. “What if you fall?” 

“Me? Fall? Oh, please!” I spoke too soon. Once my bare feet touched the floor and I stood, all sensations dissipated, bone turning into jelly. “Oh.” Everybody gasped in fear as I tumbled forward to the floor, but sighed in relief once Neron swooped in and caught me by the arms. I stumbled, trying to move my noodle legs as the Alpha’s grip tightened on my arms. 

“You got this, huh?” Neron mocked, arching an eyebrow. I let out an embarrassed laugh, cursing under my breath at my weakness. “Where were you even trying to go?” 

The bathroom.” 

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” He laughed, carefully pulling me upright. “Just take it slow. There is no need 

to rush.” 

I held onto Neron’s arms as I took my first steps, gradually regaining feeling in my legs. Relief washed over me like a gentle ocean wave. “I’m not the most patient person.” 

“You don’t have to tell us twice.” Anthony snorted at my glare, waving me off. Out of nowhere, white glazed over his hazels, a definite sign of his mind–link opening. His eyes returned to normal after half a minute. “There is something I need to take care of. Darien, come with me.” 

Chapter 12 – Reunion 

“Oh?” My friend cocked his head to the side, rising from his seat with his Alpha. “Alright.” Anthony planted a tender kiss on my forehead before doing the same with his wife and child, leaving the room with Darien tailing behind him. Curiosity struck me as I reached the bathroom door, ignoring the sharp breeze on my backside. 

I wonder what was happening. 

Luckily, I didn’t need any more help inside the bathroom. My legs were returning to normal, but I still had to take things slow. Neron wouldn’t leave my side, scared that I might tumble to the ground. As sweet as his gesture was, he calmed down as soon as I reassured him I was okay. 

Part o 

of his worry was coming from Onyx, for sure. Artemis huffed, making shrewd comments about how the big, bad wolf was a soft puppy on the inside. I smirked to myself, making a mental note on getting she and Onyx time to talk. 

After some time, everybody trickled out of my hospital room as time went on. Dr. Nava checked my vitals and motor functioning and concluded I was fit for release. I was more than happy to feel the sun’s rays on my skin again. Abigail brought me some of my clothes from my room and Mom triple checked me to ensure herself that I was alright. 

Ah, mothers and their never–ending bouts of worry. 

I was straightening up my hospital bed, dusting off any crumbs I’ve might have left over from my buffet. Neron was helping to throw away left over trash while Mom walked toward the window and cracked it open. 

“It’s a little musty in here.” She muttered. Out of nowhere, she shrieked, causing Neron and I to look up in concern. A ball of white zipped through the window like a rocket, slamming into my chest when I straightened my posture. Hooting and cooing sang in my eardrums as I laughed at the familiar ruffle of feathers tickling my collarbone

“Diana!” I exclaimed, cradling the tiny owl in my palms. “Where have you been? I missed you.” 

Her wings flapped, carrying her small body until she was face–level with me, and pressed her beak to my nose. She fluttered to my shoulder, taking her place there as she nuzzled her face in my neck. Mom sighed, pressing a hand over her heart. 

“That bird just took a few years off my life.” She muttered, opting to close the window instead as Diana hooted in apology. Neron walked beside me and rubbed his finger on her head, laughing when Diana leaned back, her gold eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. 

“Well, she needed to see her favorite person.” He smirked. 

“I’m glad she dropped by.” 

Once the hospital room was cleared and I retrieved my discharge papers, the three of us walked out of the hospital. Mom walked ahead of us while Neron, Diana, and I lingered behind her. Questions swam in my mind as we entered the earthy space, the last bits of summer lingering before it made its way for fall weather. 

Wow. I missed the entire summer. I wasn’t sure if I should feel happy or sad about it. 

“How were these last few months treating you?” I asked Neron, who ran his hand through his hair before. 

Chapter 92–Reunion 


“Well. I’ve been productive, mostly. There are a couple of projects I’m working on.” 


“Yep.” He answered, popping the ‘P. “Your brother and father have been a tremendous help so far. It is moving on nicely and I’m prepared to make a couple of big purchases.” 

“Purchases?” I arched an eyebrow. “Are you trying to buy a house or something?” 

More or less.” 

The four of us approached the pack house where I spotted Anthony speaking with three women who’ve I never seen before. All had some level of power within them, like Phoebe’s, but the person veiled with golden hair peeking out from underneath the cloth caught my attention the most. Witches, I assumed. Phoebe walked over and shook the veiled woman’s hand, offering them a smile in which she returned with a blush on her cheeks. 

But that wasn’t what was most shocking to me. 

A fierce growl reverberated from the small space, our heads turning toward the distant trees. Darien stood there, sweat clinging onto his skin and clothes from his recent run, eyes as black as coal. He was focused on Phoebe, or rather, the woman standing next to them. She seemed to have a hint of recognition flashing across their face because she growled low in response. 

“M–Mate?” She croaked. 

“Mate!” Darien shouted, running up to them and pulling them into a bone–crushing hug. 

My jaw had dropped. 

Darien found his second–chance mate! 

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